BeatCancer.Org Store Homepage

Beat Cancer’s Online Store

Over the last few years, there have been all sorts of advancements that have allowed medical professionals, patients, and family members to better understand cancer. There are new diagnostic tests and treatment options that have all increased prognoses. However, one thing that’s stayed the same is the link between what we eat and our risk of a cancer diagnosis. At Beat Cancer, we offer a wide range of products that provide information about how to prevent cancer, top cancer-fighting foods, and the best diet for cancer patients.

Books, eBooks, and DVDs

When most people hear the word cancer, they typically think of radiation and chemotherapy, but the one thing that many people rarely link to cancer is diet. There have been numerous studies that have found a possible link between cancer-causing foods and an increased risk of the disease. Studies have also found that certain foods—namely fruits, vegetables, and certain herbs—may be anti-cancer foods.

No matter if you’re looking to learn more about the link between sugar and cancer or you’re researching a diet for cancer patients to boost your health and immune system, our store has just what you need. We offer a variety of hard copy books and eBooks that provide a wealth of knowledge about foods that fight cancer, along with foods that cause it.

Aside from books and eBooks, we also offer CDs and DVDs for customers who prefer to listen than read. Topics include the connection between breast cancer and diet and stress and cancer, as well as how you can fight cancer with your fork.