“One primary focus of BeatCancer.Org’s work is geared towards cancer prevention education through lifestyle training.”

Our children have a one in two lifetime risk of cancer, and the scientific data tell us that healthy diet and lifestyle choices can make all the difference! These lifestyle factors include diet, exercise, stress management, environmental exposures and detoxification. Our thrust is primary prevention, not just early detection. The following are some of the highlights of BeatCancer.Org’s efforts toward cancer prevention education through lifestyle training:
- Focusing on prevention of cancer and prevention of recurrence by creating awareness of science-based factors that cause or contribute to cancer growth
- Providing individualized, one-on-one, lifestyle risk factor assessments that go far beyond classical risk factors, and then helping clients design game plans to address those factors through personalized resources and referrals
- Encouraging clients to pay attention to biological terrain and biochemical individuality as key ways to evaluate and minimize risk for disease
- Conducting hundreds of classes, workshops and lectures on cancer prevention, including Food Preparation for Cancer Prevention; Breast Cancer: Is it What You’re Eating or What’s Eating You?; Prostate Cancer: The Diet Connection; Cancer Prevention Lifestyle; and Fight Cancer With Your Fork?
- Teaching cancer prevention in health education classes in local elementary, middle and high schools. BeatCancer.Org believes that health-promoting habits are formed early in life
- Developing and distributing various audiotapes and videotapes of our prevention information, including the popular video, Breast Cancer: The Diet Connection
- Published Immune Perspectives magazine for 12 years and continue our focus on immunopotentiation and cancer prevention in our Health-e-News email series and blog.
- Sponsoring a research study (now in final stages of completion) on perceived psycho-social support as an unrecognized risk factor for cancer in a population of 1,452 women. This is a triple track, retrospective, longitudinal study